NEW Spring & Summer Collections with offers on selected Home Fragrance *

Pure - White Faux Flower Bouquet


We have put together a bouquet of some of our best selling artificial stems.  Our Pure bouquet of artificial flowers features lots of green foliage and white flowers which typically includes:

Our most popular, lambs leaf, Eucalyptus Spray Stems with stunning silver green stems and other white/green stems depending on seasonality/stock availability, this can include hydrangeas or peonies for example. Typically each bouquet includes 7-8 stems in total.

Our artificial stems are very realistic, the stems are all left long, so that you can cut them to fit your vase. Their full lengths are detailed above. This artificial flower bouquet is hand tied and will arrive in flat packing. Upon arrival you will just need to spread each stem out to create the real flower effect.

These stems will just need a dust occasionally (a light blow with a hairdryer or a gentle shake will do it) but otherwise do not require any care. They can be used anywhere in the home and will certainly brighten a dark corner.

76cms long

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